Thursday, October 31, 2019

Case study for nursing-hypertension Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case study for nursing-hypertension - Essay Example On the other hand, secondary hypertension refers to hypertension brought about by secondary causes like Cushing’s syndrome or other congenital abnormalities (Wellhoner et al, 2009). Given these classifications, Mrs. Girder’s condition is assessed to be related with primary or essential hypertension. Family history of the client suggests a possibility for hypertension as her mother died of heart attack; her father with kidney failure; while her grandmother has type 2 diabetes (age onset). Another key point is that Mrs. Girder’s lifestyle is also contributing to the disease. Her minimal physical activities, uncontrolled diet, tobacco and alcohol intake, stress and agitations, are all significant factors to consider (Warren, 2008). Based on the client’s observation and test results, her respiration rate is 28 breath/min; pulse is 95 bpm; BP 160/100mm Hg, 2nd reading after 10 minutes resting is 150/95mmHg; Reflectometer cholesterol testing reveals a total cholesterol of 7.5 mmol/L and her HDL:LDL ratio is lower than recommended standards. (LDL-C=1.5); BSL (non-fasting) – 9.2 mmol/L; Temperature – 36.90C; Weight – 95kg; Height – 160cm; Waist measurement – 100cm. She is also nervous and agitated because she was rushing to get to the appointment according to the doctor. Hypertension is often termed as a â€Å"silent killer† because it could progress without displaying any symptoms until it finally develop any one or more fatal complications like stroke or heart attack. Nevertheless, people with uncomplicated hypertension may experience severe headaches, dizziness, or sometime kidney failure (Cunha, 2009). In the case of Mrs. Girder, she lately has experienced an increase in urinary frequency and persistent headaches which are both associated with hypertension. Moreover, her experience with the aggressive taxi driver which caused her great stress and anxiety also resulted to her increased blood pressure

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Christian and Islamic Narratives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Christian and Islamic Narratives - Essay Example It is acknowledged that he has some understanding of his fate, and recognizes the significance and the necessity of his sacrifice. Evidenced in the Last Supper when Jesus explains, "One of you which eateth with me shall betray me" (Mark 14:18). In terms of the narrative this is most clearly seen in the episode of the passion where Christ is brought before Pontius Pilate. Pilate gives him multiple opportunities to exonerate himself, while the high priests of the Sanhedrin hurl accusations, "And Pilate asked him again, saying, Answerest thou nothing behold how many things they witness against thee" (Mark 15:4). To which Jesus does not respond, prompting Pilate to marvel. When Pilate claims to have to the power to release or crucify Pilate, Jesus responds, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin" (John 19:11). Recognizing that his fate does not lie in the hands of mortals, Jesus i s cognizant to some degree of the greater plan in store for humanity. This understanding is by no means unequivocal or univocal throughout the Gospels, or even within the Gospels themselves. On the cross, Jesus is said to have said seven things including, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me" The theological explanation here is varied, suggesting that there is something of the human Jesus struggling to bear the sum of the punishment of all the sins in the world offered by Hell. After passing the temple shakes, the curtain is rent, and the dead rise, confirming the status of Jesus as the Christ, according to the various narratives. The Islamic account is radically different. Many of the starkest differences originate from the markedly different stylistic and structural modes of presentation between the Quran and the Bible. The Gospels like most of the Bible is a prose narrative, offering a dialogic mode of presentation, that is, multiple voices interacting in a linear narrative. The Quran is mostly written in what most closely resembles poetic verse, and its style is epigrammatic and monologic, or conversely, one voice describing events and the words of others. Thus many of the character descriptions and narrative details that the Gospel includes are noticeably absent in the Quran in the depiction of the death of Jesus. Also, important is the fundamental theological difference as regards the ontology of Jesus, i.e. in Islam, Jesus or Isa as he called in Quran, is a fully human figure. Theologically is this an essential feature of Islam, as it asserted throughout the Quran and the corresponding Hadith, that God is a unique and singular figure, who has no associates or comparisons. This notion of the unity of God stands as a fundamental pillar of Islam. Moreover, any pretention to question or equivocate on this matter is a grave sin, known as shirk. Thus Jesus must be son of Mary via virginal conception, "And (remember) her who guarded her chastity: We breathed into her of Our spirit, and We made her and her son a sign for all peoples" (Quran 21:19). The Quran does not deny he is Messiah, nor does it deny that at the end times that he will return to do battle with evil in a remarkably similar eschatology to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Importance of Petroleum to the Economy

Importance of Petroleum to the Economy Petroleum became important during the mid -1800s with the increased use of petroleum products such as kerosene for light. The industry soon started growing and the market was introduced with automobile and the internal combustion engine. Petroleum Exporting Countries Organisation (OPEC), a multinational organization has been established to co-ordinate the petroleum policies of its member and to provide the member states with technical and economic aid. [2] The price of petroleum as quoted in news generally refers to the spot price per barrel (159 liters) of either WTI/light crude as traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) for delivery at Cushing, Oklahoma, or of Brent as traded on the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE, into which the International Petroleum Exchange has been incorporated) for delivery at SullomVoe. [3] The price of a barrel of oil is highly dependent on both its grade, determined by factors such as its specific gravity or API and its sulphur content, and its location. Other important benchmarks include Dubai, Tapis, and the OPEC basket. The Energy Information Administration(EIA) uses the imported refiner acquisition cost, the weighted average cost of all oil imported into the US, as its world oil price. Petroleum products demand has changed drastically in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Each and every second, prices for oil change as they are very volatile. Consumption of petroleum products depends a lot on global macroeconomic conditions and has a positive relationship with economic growth. Higher economic growth implies higher demand for petroleum products. High oil prices generally have a large negative impact on the global economic growth, according to the International Energy Agency. [4] In Mauritius, it is the State Trading Corporation (STC) that imports all of our requirements and hands them over to Oil companies, namely, Shell, Total, Chevron and Indian Oil, for storage and distribution. STC pays for the imports and gets paid when it sells the products to the Oil companies. [5] STC shall operate a Price Stabilization Account for each product in order to shield the market from price fluctuations.Monthly price shocks on commodities crucial to the conduct of economic and social activities ought to be avoided if at all possible. They come in the way of longer-term planning of all economic activities as well as the family budget and therefore affect the country and all its citizens directly. [5] Since 2004, it was the Automatic Pricing Mechanism (APM) which decided the prices in Mauritius. However, numerous weaknesses of this mechanism were seen, creating conflicts between the public and the APM committee. Prices were increasing when it was not necessary, especially when the world market prices were going down and the trend was always price increase after price decrease and so on. Price decreases were falling by a very small percentage and were very rare. [5] To correct this imperfection and the doubts of the public about an unfair pricing mechanism, the APM was replaced by the Petroleum Pricing Committee (PPC) whereby the committee will meet once every 4 months to monitor oil purchase and sale, to examine price trends around the world and then decide if prices need to be reviewed or not. [5] Market forces determine the price of petroleum products on the world market. The price at the pump is calculated by STC based on the purchase price, taxes and levies and the profit margins for distributors and retailers. The Petroleum Pricing Committee verifies and approves the processes in a very transparent manner and finally recommends to the Minister for the fixing of the new retail price. Gasoline and Gasoil are expensive even in oil producing countries because of the growing demand in emerging economies such as India and China. When compared to most countries in the world, Mauritius is said not to be that expensive despite the geographical remoteness and the small size of the market. Problem Statement The concept of pricing mechanism of oil and petroleum has often been surrounded with confusion. It is important to understand what different prices really mean. It is necessary to analyse the process of convergence and understand what the spot price really means in the context of oil market, although the futures price often converges to the spot price. The Minister of Industry and Commerce, Showkutally Soodhun specifies that the committee will have full opportunity to check all the documents and the truthfulness of the figures and thus ensure that all parameters were taken into account by the previous committee of the APM, that the PPC will work in full transparency while publishing everything on the website of the State Trading Corporation. There will be full details of all elements that come into play in accounting for the fuel prices. However, most people in the country either do not have the required knowledge to use a computer, some do not have a computer at all, and others do not have access to the internet. Many people do not know how the pricing mechanism works. Even if the PPC is said to work in transparency no detailed is made public about the formulae considered in pricing the petroleum products, no cashflows or financial statements are known, the public is not reassured about whether their money are rightly used. The middle class people cannot afford to pay high prices especially when their income is low with most of it going into the basic food necessities. This may create social problems like disputes in the family, domestic violence, increases in social vices like thefts. One important aspect is that other countries may have high taxes on their oil, but this is compensated by their high income and the high value of their currency. Our currency has a really low value, which is why we pay higher prices for petrol, during financial crisis and in periods of inflation. This may lead to economic problems in the near future with lower investments and hence slowing economic growth. Aims and Objectives The aim of this research paper is to decrease the difficulties faced by the population because of the rising prices of petrol and to understand the mismatch of supply and demand situation. A clearer pricing system is required and this study can also help in enhancing the performance of petroleum market in the country. Objective: To make the whole population aware of the petroleum and oil pricing mechanism To change the working principle of the petroleum pricing mechanism To provide alternatives to help decrease the effect of the high petrol price Methodology The target population for the study is the population at large, though higher emphasis is laid on the population owning a vehicle. Every Research Report requires information as the basis for analysis. Information sources can be categorised as either primary or secondary data. Primary data is original data that has been collected by a researcher by whatever means appropriate in the answer of a specific research question. Secondary data is data that has been collected by others for their own purposes, but which may be used by a researcher for his or her different purposes. There are two different types of data that are likely to be collected: qualitative data, such as opinions, and quantitative data such as measurements. Qualitative data include verbal narrative pieces of data; quantitative data are anything that can be measured and expressed in numbers. Quantitative data analysis often contains descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics include measures of central tendency (averages mean, median and mode) and measures of variability about the average (range and standard deviation). These give the reader a picture of the data collected and used in the research project. Inferential statistics are the outcomes of statistical tests, helping deductions to be made from the data collected, to test hypotheses set and relating findings to the sample or population. [6] Questionnaire is usually designed specifically for the study in question. Unlike a test, which yields only a total score, or an inventory, in which each item is interpreted as a part of a scale or group of items, a questionnaire yields many separate pieces of information. Analysis usually consists of tabulation or cross-tabulation of responses to individual itemsrarely are more elaborate procedures used. Questionnaires are most often used direct (person-to-person) contact with respondents is not possible or necessary. It is probably the single most widely-used data source. Some experts have estimated that as many as half the research studies conducted use a questionnaire as a part of the data collection process. Voluntary and informed participation of individuals or communities is necessary for research. Their participation should be based on informed consent; the greater the risk to participants, the greater is the need for it. Informed consent is essential to protect the participants, not the researchers and institutions. The sample size will consist of 50 of working and non-working people and the aim is to pick a representative sample free from bias. A Nonprobability (Convenience) sampling will be chosen. It involves the selection of elements based on assumptions regarding the population of interest, which forms the criteria for selection. Hence, because the selection of elements is nonrandom, nonprobability sampling does not allow the estimation of sampling errors. [7] Convenience sampling is often used for a case study. Convenience sampling (sometimes known as grab or opportunity sampling) is a type of nonprobability sampling which involves the sample being drawn from that part of the population which is close to hand. That is, a sample population selected because it is readily available and convenient. Also, snowballing method would be used to carry out the survey. Scientifically, it is impossible to have ideal samples; the best compromise is to include a sample with widest possible range of variation in the phenomena, settings, or people under study. [8] Data Collection A particular observation technique will be designed for the research topic, describing and discussing the aims of the survey, the nature of the survey (what/who/how/when will be questioned?) and the method of recording (e.g. field notes or using a structured observation schedule). A draft ethics protocol will also be provided (getting informed consent, being honest, not forcing anyone to take part, giving participants the right to withdraw, protecting them from harm, feeding back the results, maintaining confidentiality). The ethics protocol approval should take the form of the document that will be issued to potential participants in order to obtain informed consent, which would cover issues such as confidentiality, right to withdraw, feedback, etc as appropriate. For a QUESTIONNAIRE survey it is often preferable to incorporate the ethical provisions in the introduction to the questionnaire form itself, i.e. telling informants what the project is about (informed consent), giving them the choice not to respond to individual items or the form as a whole (right to withdraw), setting out how feedback may be obtained (debriefing), describing the provisions for confidentiality (particularly if the form is not anonymous), etc. This section of the questionnaire is in effect the ethics protocol and can be submitted for approval. Questionnaire Analysis Each completed form will be numbered after having them back. Then the easy stuff will be sorted out first, i.e. the answers to closed-ended questions which you can simply count in order to give you frequencies According to the design of the questionnaire, the respondents will have to the code by ticking the appropriate number which can then be entered into the spreadsheet. Its not difficult to find out how many respondents gave each sort of answer. These numbers can easily be turned into percentages (showing what percentage of the respondents gave each sort of response). These figures are already very useful as analytical tools. It helps to make sure when designing questionnaire that it is amenable to computer analysis. For quantifiable data, MS Works and Excel spreadsheets will all produce a wide range of computations and forms of presentation such as graphs and charts as well as carrying out some statistical operations. Benefits of Research This research will be useful and helpful to many stakeholders in the country. First of all, the society at large would get to know and understand the procedure behind pricing petroleum and oil. The society benefits in the way that they will get value for money and would not be exploited into paying higher prices for the oil and petrol, in the end, they would have fairness and would know where, why and how their money are being spent. The government as well would benefit from this research since it would help the government officials to have a better idea about how to price the petroleum and oil so as to maximize the benefit of the public. Another benefit would be is that both parties (the government and the public) would know about the expectations of each other and hence would know how to better satisfy those expectations. Also, transport cost forms part of a large percentage in the budget for companies. Investors (both local and foreigners) would be more attracted to invest in the country when the pricing mechanism is clear with lower prices. As a result, there would be more economic growth in the country, standard of living of the population would increase, and unemployment level may fall. The indirect benefits of this research would be decrease in prices of the commodities that the people consume since the reduced transportation cost would lead to lower cost of production. The society would benefit as they would have more income left, their savings in bank may increase, hence the bank would have more loans to give to investors. As a whole investment would increase leading to economic booms. Time plan A Gantt chart is a representation through graphs of the duration of tasks against the progression of time. It is a useful tool when planning and scheduling projects and helpful when monitoring a projects progress. There is a variety of Gantt charts namely the Basic Gantt, Multiple milestones, daily Gantt, Baseline Gantt, Timeline Gantt, Summary Gantt, Stoplight Gantt among others. [9] Summary Introduction Problem statement Aims and objective Methodology Benefits of research Budget analysis 25/03/11 27/03/11 28/03/11 30/03/11 31/03/11 01/04/11 Budget Analysis List of items Estimated cost (Rs) Printing 200 Travelling 325 Internet 600 Telephone bill 150 TOTAL 1275

Friday, October 25, 2019

I Want to be an Elementary School Teacher :: Teaching Philosophy

Why I Want to be an Elementary School Teacher Why do I want to become an elementary school teacher? There are so many different things I love about teaching that it is hard to answer this question. The main reason is that I want to transfer my knowledge and ideas to children who can further the things I have taught them to become successful. Many teachers throughout my life have been a big inspiration to me. They have taught me many things about basic knowledge and also about life. They have made education fun and exciting. My teacher’s did such a good job that it actually inspired me to be a teacher myself. At a younger age, children are more apt to learn the basic skills in life. Reading habits, writing styles, and many more other things are critical to being taught the right way at an early age. If the child is not taught how to read sentence by sentence to understand the meaning at an early age, it is very difficult for them to study later on in the future. There are many different types of students that will be in a classroom. There will be visual learners, more hands-on type of learners, and many more. I hope to develop my classroom in a way so that I can teach all the different types of learning. Technology has really made this goal a large amount easier to accomplish. With the use of webpage’s and software, a teacher can now reinforce the different topics they cover in a classroom. Rousseau believed that children were born innocent and with the same intelligence. I do believe that children are born with intelligence; I just want to be able to expand on that. If I could just teach children how to do basic math problems, what a sentence is, or anything educational I would feel so accomplished. A classroom should also be a place for many other types of learning to take place. Students should be able to learn about social relationships, emotions, and themselves.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Keeping Pets Essay

Nowadays keeping pets is gaining increasing popularity. The relationship between human and animals are always changing. To begin with, pets can keep a good company to people so as to bring pleasure and drive away loneliness. After a long period of staying together, people view their lovely pets as an old friend and even as family members. When people have something unhappy and do not want to tell anyone else, we can always talk with our pets,though they don’t understand at all. It is true that my friend , Jenny,who grew up with an absentee father and a peripatetic mother. I think Jenny is very unfortunate. However, she is very optimistic about her life. Because when she was young,her mom worried about nobody can take care of her, so she bought a dog for her. Jenny named its Beef and it is really a lovely dog. It often does some antics to make her laugh and warms her up. At the present, Jenny does not complain about her family or indulge herself like some other kids from a sing le parent family. She said that Beef always stays with her and relieves this loneliness to some extent. From Jenny/s experience , I feel the need to have another living being to share our daily lives. On the other hand, in contemporary society, many intelligent animals have been trained to be a doorkeepers since long time ago. It is reported that pets can often avoid thieves stealing something valuable from people’s house .Because busy work make people enable to dismiss the suggestion as trivial ,but thanks to smart pets today we can live in a safe and comfortable environment. On the contrary, there are also many stray animals in the society. Sometimes their owners abolish them or they just lose the way. It is actually a serious problem,but people often ignore this issue. I think that we should find a shelter to help them even though we cannot adopt all of the pets . If we meet those stray animals, we have the responsibility to protect them in order that the relationship between animals and people will get better and better. Otherwise, animals are likely to become aggressive.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cause and Effects of Dehydration and Hydration

Erik Lipka Mrs. Van Mierlo English 101 05 21 February 2013 The Effects of Dehydration and Hydration Water is a necessity in our world today but especially involving the health of human beings. Water is so important to human life that we would not survive without it because people become dehydrated when an insufficient supply of fluids are consumed in a day. â€Å"Human survival is dependent on water — water has been ranked by experts as second only to oxygen as essential for life† (â€Å"Health Benefits of Water†). Proper hydration and the avoidance of dehydration are mainstays for health and well-being.The importance of drinking water is crucial in order to maintain a healthy and proper functioning body. Dehydration is actually quite common in our society today. â€Å"Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving your body is greater than the amount being taken in† (â€Å"Functional Fit Facts†). Severe dehydration can be deadly which may caus e symptoms such as intense thirst, absence of sweat, heart racing and delirium. More commonly experienced is a mild or moderate form which results in feelings of dizziness, fatigue, headaches and poor concentration.The majority of folks don’t realize they are undergoing symptoms of mild dehydration and that they can cure themselves with the proper intake of fluids, water for example (â€Å"Functional Fit Facts†). Proper hydration varies depending on many factors such as age, physical condition and even the climate. A commonly recommended amount of fluid intake is a half-ounce of fluid per pound of body weight, daily (Glenn Sabin). Drinking water helps with the regulation of temperature in the body through perspiration. This is especially important when playing sports. Water also plays a key role in the digestion of food.Food cannot be digested without water. Water is needed to break down and to digest food. It helps to eliminate waste and deliver nutrients to where the y are needed. â€Å"If your body lacks water, your heart, for instance, needs to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells, so are the rest of the vital organs, your organs will be exhausted and so will you†(â€Å"The Benefits of Drinking Water†). It is amazing how important water is to our health and well-being. Water is also the basis of all of our bodily fluids such as saliva and blood and it dilutes toxins and removes them from the body through urine (â€Å"The Role of Water†).Every cell, from head to toe, needs water and this is why it is so important to drink enough water and stay properly hydrated. Dehydration both mild and severe can result in many harmful effects such as tiredness, headaches, constipation and dry skin. One symptom that indicates dehydration and the need to drink more water is the color of the urine. If your urine is dark yellow or orange in color and has a strong smell, this is an indication that the person is not proper ly hydrated. Urine is usually a pale yellow to clear color when the person is properly hydrated.Skin is the largest body organ and needs plenty of water to prevent dryness. One sign that you are dehydrated is thirst however you should not wait until you are thirsty before drinking more water. Your brain consists 90% of water. A headache and fatigue could very well mean someone is dehydrated and the brain is not functioning properly (â€Å"Benefits of Drinking Water†). Water is very beneficial and has many positive health effects. Drinking water helps the body break down fats assisting people with weight loss. When they drink a sufficient amount of water, it acts as an appetite suppressant so it helps people eat less.Since the brain consist mainly of water, being hydrated helps people concentrate, think more efficiently and raises awareness. â€Å"Related to the digestive system, some studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer† (Benefits of Drinking Water). Some cancer causing agents are diluted in the urine reducing the time that they are in the bladder. Another benefit of drinking plenty of water is people are less likely to get sick and they feel healthy. Drinking plenty helps fight against kidney stones, heart attack and the flu.It is also said to improve the immune system (â€Å"Benefits of Drinking Water†). The effects of dehydration and hydration are essential to the health of the human body. Being dehydrated can be deadly and hydration is vital to human life. It’s important to stay hydrated for many reasons in order for the body to function to its greatest ability. Many people are not informed as to the importance of water and are not able to identify the effects of mild dehydration. The symptoms of mild dehydration can be helped simply by drinking enough water.These are the main effects of hydration and dehydration. Works Cited â€Å"The Role of Water in the Body and Why It Is Important That We Drink Enough of It. † Water. N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. â€Å"What Is the General Effect of Dehydration on the Body? † What Is the General Effect of Dehydration on the Body? N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. â€Å"Proper Hydration and Your Health. † FON Therapeutics. N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. â€Å"The Health Benefits of Water. † The Health Benefits of Water. N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

World War II History

World War II History The World War II, which occurred towards the end of the first half of the twentieth century, is important for the history of the United States. The consequences of the war had an impact on the political affairs of the world and resulted in a major change of the course of the history of the world.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on World War II History specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The majority of the powerful nations in the world participated in the combat that was categorized into two conflicting military coalitions: the Axis and the Allies. During World War II, there was a massive engagement of army recruits and at the end of the war, there were many casualties, consisting mainly of civilians. As such, the war was the most extensive and severest battles in the history of humankind. Because of these, the memories of the bloody battle still linger in the thoughts of most individuals who participated in the c ombat in one way or the other. Specifically, in my interview with a former United States soldier, called Andrew Livingstone, who was engaged in the battle at only eighteen years old, I have learnt a lot about the history of the country during this period of battle. Similar to the account in most historic books, Andrew told me that the war began on September 1, 1939. In my interview with him, I asked him if he knew any causes of the historic conflict. He said, â€Å"I cannot really remember many reasons that spurred the conflict to start; however, the major one I remember was due to the Prussian militarism that developed for close to two hundred years.† He explained that this power made Germany to be influential and gave the opportunity for a madman and a gimmick in politics, like Adolf Hitler, to have a domineering influence in the affairs of the world, especially after the Germans were conquered in the First World War. As a result, he was the man behind the start of the Seco nd World War as he had the motive of increasing the territorial boundaries of Germany so as to enable his country to rule the whole world. In the same way, Raum, in the book World War II: an Interactive History Adventure, also say that the evil intentions of Adolf Hitler are what led to the war. Nonetheless, Raum also notes that Hitler had developed hatred for the Jews since he considered them to be weak and thus he wanted a way of getting rid of them (10).Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Andrew (now deceased) was compelled to join the war on 10 January 1942, which was about one month after the U.S. joined the war. He said, â€Å"I opted to join the war because I was under pressure from my family and friends to engage in service to my country.† Andrew’s father served the U.S. military as a soldier and although he died in the battlefield, he played a cruc ial role in ensuring that his son takes part in the battle, especially when Japan carried out a surprise attack on the U.S. on 7 December 1941 at Pearl Harbor. Because the threat of the Japanese was huge in the war, every citizen was urged to do what he or she could perform to ensure that the foreigners did not annihilate the U.S. Thus, with the desire to serve his country, Andrew willingly accepted the call to be of service in the military so as to defend his country. Similarly, Isserman and Bowman also note that there was intense mobilization for the war. They say, â€Å"In the early days of 1942, a spirit of unity gripped the nation. It was best summed up by the slogan â€Å"Remember Pearl Harbor† (36). Additionally, Isserman and Bowman note that the U.S. was under threat because it had not engaged in any conflict since the end of the First World War; thus, it was compelled to search for recruits to strengthen the army. After joining the military, Andrew learnt that the J apanese were incapable of matching up the strength of the U.S. in war and that they had started a conflict that they were not able to win. Andrew later learnt that the renowned Japanese military leader, Admiral Yamamoto, had cautioned his country against starting a war with the U.S. but the extreme militarist management of the army failed to heed to his advice. One major occurrence that still lingers in Andrew’s mind is the battle of Midway in which the Japanese experienced a major loss. Taking place a half a year after the battle of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese army lost the majority of their aircraft carriers force during the historic battle of Midway (Yoshida and Boyd, 76). Even though Andrew was not allowed to take part in this conflict because he was considered inexperienced in matters of war, he was endowed with the responsibility of taking supplies to the soldiers who were in the battlefield. Sadly, he lost his dad who was among the casualties that the United States expe rienced in the historic combat of Midway.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on World War II History specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A question I raised to Andrew is to explain to me how some countries formed the Axis and the others the Allies. I realized that his explanation was similar to that given by Raum. He said, â€Å"Germany, Italy, and Japan came together to form the Tripartite Pact, which resulted in their forming a military coalition referred to as the axis.† The aggressive Japan army attacked Asian nations, causing extensive damage to infrastructure and several individuals ended up losing their lives. The government of Japan then was very ruthless. In order to support its war engagements, it forced its people to endure long working hours, deprivation of necessities, economic difficulties, and other forceful malpractices. And, as a major axis power in Europe, the Germans also carried out inhuma ne treatments to people that resulted in massive loss of lives. Notably, the German forces carried out the holocaust in Europe that involved the slaughter of approximately six million Jews and subjecting several others to brutal conditions in the camps. The Germans tortured, starved to death, and even shot their victims who were serving as internees. On the other hand, the United States, the Great Britain, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics came together to form the keys allies of Word War II. In my conversation with Andrew, he made me understand that the allies decided to engage in the combat due to their previous invasion or because they considered the advancement of the axis powers a threat to their superior status in the world. Specifically, he mentioned that extensive mobilization efforts to compel people to participate either directly or indirectly in the conflict established the beginning of the U.S. participation in the global warfare. As pointed above, this is the reason why he himself participated in the war. After the U.S. was provoked to enter into the conflict, it encouraged several dedicated men and women to participate directly in the war abroad. Similarly, those left behind struggled to provide them with assistance through providing necessary resources for their sustenance in the battlefield. During his engagement in the war, Andrew observed that the economy of the U.S. was getting back on track after about one decade of suffering from depression. Several of the Americans who had been without jobs quickly found means of earning income so as to sustain them and pay off previous debts.Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The United States government feared that the Japanese could attack its West Coast; therefore, they detained several of the Japanese Americans who dwelt in the country in internment camps. Following the end of the confinement program, three years after the war, several of the Americans who came from other countries had served as internees. A vivid memory that Andrew still retained appertained to the last scenes of the combat that resulted in the collapse of the axis and victory to the allies. â€Å"Following bloody years of battle, on June 6, 1944, the western allies eventually were prepared to invade Western Europe with the intention of taking up Germany from the West that matched up with the advancement of the Russians from the East,† Andrew said. He explained that the attack by the French forces was on the D-Day but this played a little role in changing the outcome of the conflict, since the German forces had started giving up. Eventually, the culmination of the bloody conf lict came in 1945 when the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Japan. World War II resulted in the demise of over 400,000 United States soldiers and several others suffered severe injuries (Dickson, 1246). As the war ended, the allies were declared victorious and the axes were compelled to surrender to them. Because he lived through the major part of the second half of the twentieth century, Andrew observed how the war was significant in shaping the relationship between the United States and other countries around the world, especially Japan. Following the Word War II, Japan distinguished itself as one of the close associates of the U.S. in international relations and trade. And, this close association between the two countries turned attention from Japan’s responsibility in the war and has assisted it in improving its economic growth from the devastations that were caused from the Second World War. After the war, Japan began to imitate the free world’s ideologi es in societal norms and even in governance structure. After admitting defeat, the U.S. established a democratic system of governance in four of Japan’s islands, established a new constitution that reduced the powers of the Emperor in the new democratic government, and assisted in the addressing of human issues in the country. This is an example that Andrew gave me to illustrate that the Second World War indeed has been of great economic and societal significance to the people in the world. In conclusion, my talk with Andrew assisted me to know the history of the United States and its role in the Second World War. As one of the major conflicts of the twentieth century, the war played a critical role in defining the position of the United States as the world’s superpower. Similar to Andrew whom I managed to interview, the events of the war are still vivid in the memory of most people who participated in the conflict either directly or indirectly. Dickson, Keith D. Worl d War II almanac 1. New York: Facts on File, 2008. Print. Isserman, Maurice, and Bowman, Stewart J. Word War II. New York: Facts on File, 2003. Print. Raum, Elizabeth. World War II: an interactive history adventure. Mankato, Minn.: Capstone Press, 2009. Print. Yoshida, Akihiko, and Boyd, Carl. The Japanese submarine force and World War II.  Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2002. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Calcium In A Plant Based Diet Essays - Calcium, Diets, Osteoporosis

Calcium In A Plant Based Diet Essays - Calcium, Diets, Osteoporosis Calcium In A Plant Based Diet Many people choose to avoid milk and other dairy products because they contain fat, cholesterol, allergenic proteins, lactose, and frequently traces of contamination. Milk is also linked to juvenile-onset diabetes, and other serious conditions. Happily, there are plenty of other, safer and more reliable sources of calcium. Keeping your bones strong depends more on preventing the loss of calcium from your body than on boosting your calcium intake. Some cultures consume no dairy products and typically ingest only 175 to 475 milligrams of calcium per day. However, these people generally have low rates of osteoporosis. Many scientists believe that exercise and other factors have more to do with osteoporosis than calcium intake does. Calcium in the Body. Almost all the calcium in the body is in the bones. There is a tiny amount in the bloodstream which is responsible for important functions such as muscle contractions, maintenance of the heartbeat, and transmission of nerve impulses. We constantly lose calcium from our bloodstream through sweat and other excretions. It is renewed with calcium from the bones. In this process, bones continually lose calcium. This bone calcium must be replaced from food. Calcium needs change throughout life. Up to the age of 30 or so, we consume more calcium than we lose. Adequate calcium intake during childhood and adolescence is especially important. Later, the body begins to slip into negative calcium balance and the bones start to lose more calcium than they take up. The loss of too much calcium can lead to soft bones or osteoporosis. How rapidly calcium is lost depends, in part, on the kind and amount of protein you eat as well as other diet and life-style choices. Reducing Calcium Loss. A number of factors affect calcium loss from the body: Diets that are high in protein cause more calcium to be lost through the urine. Pro tein from animal products is much more likely to cause calcium loss than protein from plant foods. This may be one reason that vegetarians tend to have stronger bones than meat eaters. Caffeine increases the rate at which calcium is lose through urine. Alcohol inhibits calcium absorption. The mineral boron may slow the loss of calcium from bones. Exercise slows bone loss and is one of the most important factors in maintaining bone health. Sources of Calcium: Exercise and a diet moderate in protein will help to protect your bones. People who eat plant-based diets and who lead an active life-style probably have lower calcium needs. However, calcium is an essential nutrient for everyone. It is important to eat calcium-rich foods every day. The following chart will tell you the calcium content of many foods. Legumes Calcium (mg) Chickpeas, 1 cup, canned....................78 Great Northern beans, 1 cup boiled.........121 Green beans, 1 cup boiled....................58 Green peas, 1 cup boiled......................44 Kidney beans, 1 cup boiled.................50 Lentils, 1 cup boiled..............................37 Lima beans, 1 cup boiled......................52 Navy beans, 1 cup boiled...................128 Pinto beans, 1 cup boiled.....................82 Soybeans, 1 cup boiled......................175 Tofu, raw, firm - 1/2 cup......................258 Vegetarian baked beans, 1 cup..........128 Wax beans, 1 cup canned................. 174 White beans, 1 cup boiled.................161 If using Calcium Fortified products, check the source of the calcium. Bibliography Vegetarian Journal Future Link The Internet

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Beck Anxiety Inventory

Beck Anxiety Inventory Below is a list of common symptoms of anxiety. Please carefully read each item in the list. Indicate how much you have been bothered by that symptom during the past month, including today, by circling the number in the corresponding space in the column next to each symptom. Not At All Mildly but it didn’t bother me much. Moderately – it wasn’t pleasant at times Severely – it bothered me a lot Numbness or tingling 0 1 2 3 Feeling hot 0 1 2 3 Wobbliness in legs 0 1 2 3 Unable to relax 0 1 2 3 Fear of worst happening 0 1 2 3 Dizzy or lightheaded 0 1 2 3 Heart pounding/racing 0 1 2 3 Unsteady 0 1 2 3 Terrified or afraid 0 1 2 3 Nervous 0 1 2 3 Feeling of choking 0 1 2 3 Hands trembling 0 1 2 3 Shaky / unsteady 0 1 2 3 Fear of losing control 0 1 2 3 Difficulty in breathing 0 1 2 3 Fear of dying 0 1 2 3 Scared 0 1 2 3 Indigestion 0 1 2 3 Faint / lightheaded 0 1 2 3 Face flushed 0 1 2 3 Hot/cold sweats 0 1 2 3 Column Sum Scoring – Sum each column. Then su m the column totals to achieve a grand score. Write that score here ____________ . Interpretation A grand sum between 0 – 21 indicates very low anxiety. That is usually a good thing. However, it is possible that you might be unrealistic in either your assessment which would be denial or that you have learned to â€Å"mask† the symptoms commonly associated with anxiety. Too little â€Å"anxiety† could indicate that you are detached from yourself, others, or your environment. A grand sum between 22 – 35 indicates moderate anxiety. Your body is trying to tell you something. Look for patterns as to when and why you experience the symptoms described above. For example, if it occurs prior to public speaking and your job requires a lot of presentations you may want to find ways to calm yourself before speaking or let others do some of the presentations. You may have some conflict issues that need to be resolved. Clearly, it is not â€Å"panic† time but yo u want to find ways to manage the stress you feel. A grand sum that exceeds 36 is a potential cause for concern. Again, look for patterns or times when you tend to feel the symptoms you have circled. Persistent and high anxiety is not a sign of personal weakness or failure. It is, however, something that needs to be proactively treated or there could be significant impacts to you mentally and physically. You may want to consult a physician or counselor if the feelings persist. Beck Anxiety Inventory Scoring August 4, 2009 | Posted by SWilson After rating each of the twenty-one anxiety symptoms on the Beck Anxiety Inventory from 0 to 3, the ratings are totaled for the individual’s Beck Anxiety Inventory score. If you’d like to see how you would score, you may rate the twenty-one anxiety symptoms in the Beck Anxiety Inventory sample. The Beck Anxiety Inventory sample is in the post titled â€Å"The Beck Anxiety Inventory.† The Beck Anxiety Inventory scoring is sim ple. The person’s total score will fall within one of the ranges for the Beck Anxiety Inventory scoring. If the person’s score is under twenty-one, the person is considered to have a very low amount of anxiety. A score between twenty-two and thirty five demonstrates moderate anxiety. A person with moderate anxiety can often benefit from stress management to relieve anxiety.

Friday, October 18, 2019

How did the war change the attitudes of women and minorities toward Essay

How did the war change the attitudes of women and minorities toward their status in American society - Essay Example Mostly, their place was at home purposely to take care of the children and do house chores. This status was prominent due to undefined legal rights for the women. Moreover, their independence in terms of economic, civic and political issues was ignored1. However, the period of war brought about their interest in political matters. That helped in creating awareness on the issues of liberty and equality. For instance, women got involved in the war, and they felt more empowered by the idea that they could fight for the sake of the general freedom. Additionally, the idea that men, labour and the interest of children were sacrificed for the sake of war, gave them more bargaining tool. Consequently, they felt valuable and demanded equality and fair consideration in the society from the Government. Further, this helped in affirming their patriotism2. More still, according to Cott (2012), the women that were working in the defense plant, had good skills and admirable performance. That led to unique social, economic and psychological unity between women and men; something that was not there before the war. Besides, the war gave women a lot of social and psychological independence that they much desired before. For example, it brought about a stimulus to marriage. The number of Michigan weddings in December 1941 set a state record of for a single month, and this status rose again four years later with the onset of peace3. On the other hand, the war required America’s unity and mobilization as never before. In the period preceding the war, there was widespread discrimination towards the minorities with America. This discrimination was due to gender, race, and economic status. However, when most American most Americans were involved in the war, the minorities became very significant in providing labour. They changed their attitude and used the opportunity to push for favorable

Humanities Paper Ella Minnow Pea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Humanities Paper Ella Minnow Pea - Essay Example Again, Orwell and Dunn speak about cruelty of a government in totalitarian country, so ban here comes from up-high authority. But nowadays we see a tendency of shorting words inside one language and high level of linguistic borrowing one culture from another not only because one culture influences and subdues another, but also because in one culture there’s more handy word to name a particular thing. Then borrowing’s reasonable and comes from people (usually from Internet), and globalization helps in making borrowed word popular. If language change comes from people, not from rulers, we don’t think it’s a sign of enslaving. People seem to have a silent agreement to make native languages more common, more like each other to simplify process of communication and understanding. How it can be a bad thing? Also, everything now is on a way of simplifying, and such changes come from all people’s silent agreement. We’re not forced to it, we will it. So can tendency be considered positive or negative depending on where it comes from, if it’s still the same tendency? If changes come from us we think that’s normal; the same change comes from government and we think it’s silly and brutal. But in fact, there’s just a tendency of simplifying things. And language, of course, is an important thing, but still just a part of a general

Stalin and Hitler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stalin and Hitler - Essay Example However the research defines that they were triumphant within their countries for an extensive period of time and gives the comparable ways in which they acquired the power that they did. Historians have claimed that their successes could be attributed to the facts that they laid claim to new ideas and political approaches which in fact gave them approval from the citizens of the countries they ruled over for many years. Through the many detailed reports that have been compiled over time it is easily seen that Hitler and Stalin despised each other immensely but this did not change the fact both had common characteristics (Nolte 1999). Because Stalin became focused on building what was seemingly an industrialized empire with little regard for the people, the time period he ruled under was known as "Stalinism" (Nolte 1999). For Hitler, it has been common knowledge for decades now, and even during the time of his ruling that he was focused on communism and developing the world into a communist one, carrying out genocides on cultures that refuted his rule. Therefore, the time of his leadership and power over others was depicted as, "Nazism" (Nolte 1999). Although these are two different types of mental philosophies they hold key elements that are strikingly similar, the main being the thirst for power that both held, again with little acknowledgement for those people that they each considered beneath th em. The each rose to the highest possible position of power attainable in both their countries, ruling with what could only be termed as an iron thumb. For awhile both brainwashed the citizens into believing what was nothing other than false lies and hopes for a better world to live in, and again for a period of time the people followed both of these leaders willingly. The three main reasons they both were able to gain power over people such as this was due to their utilization of propaganda, their amoral views, and the ambition they both had to gain power in the world (Nolte 1999). However, it was also what led to their defeat as well, as history clearly shows. Because they were both known to be quite skilled in the utilization of propaganda, they had the ability of using their words to brainwash and manipulate others into believing that everything that they stated was true. It was undoubtedly through this form of power that they gained the ability to get people to do anything they wanted, which is a fact that points out the characteristic of amorality they both shared as a common trait (Kreis 2006). It could also be said that due to the fact that both Germany and Russia were attempting to recover from WWI, it gave the opportune chance for these dictators to have the opening to rise to a seat of power in their countries because the citizens were searching for hope and wanted to believe that a change in the right direction was going to be possible. However, instead of positivism coming out of the people giving approval for these two leaders to rule over their geographical areas, what happened instead was a nightmare in which the world that they thought was bad worsened due to both of these men demeaning human individuality under the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Essay Example However, there are individuals who come up with original ideas for the future to gain huge profits. As a rule, these types of business look very interesting. How do you react when you are told that another millionaire made his millions on the sale of conventional jackets autographed by celebrities? But in fact this is the way Tanneberg Walter raised his capital in German city of Kiel. Selling jackets with autographs impressed rich people and they paid huge sums of money for these jackets. However, the business plan should be developed with regards to the investor's needs. The following steps should be taken: Summary. Every business plan summarizes data it contains. After reading the summary of the investor can "wake up" and invest money. Product. This section includes information about the product (product, service, project, and company): description, data – and a "unique selling proposition" (USP). It is very important to show confidence in the success of the project (Mintzbe rg, Ahlstrand and Lampel,1998). Market analysis. This part of a business plan includes information on the amount of the target market, its main trends. Such issues as market share and the actions taken are considered and a part of expenses is devoted to advertising and promotion. Manufacturing process. A description of all production phases of the project, a list of resources and tools (equipment, premises etc). Staff. The list of professionals involved in the design / development / promotion project (their skills, experience, qualifications etc). Project management. The list of project managers and the distribution of responsibilities between them. Cost management personnel, including the costs of the office (salaries, bonuses, rent, equipment, furniture, supplies etc). Sales plan. Projected revenues in the first months after launch, and after a year, three or five are considered. Examples of different scenarios for the project should be included in this section. Investment. The am ount of funds required to implement the project. You need to specify how much will cost borrowings, in which periods of activity and to what extent they are needed. Of course, there are many other issues, which should be taken into account, but, to my mind, the central innovative and a unique idea is a guarantee of further business plan success. My unique idea looks like this: I want to help my city in cleaning the roads from the used chewing gums. I plan to develop a series of posters with portraits of various celebrities - from politics to pop business starts. These posters can be placed on the subway while moving escalator, at the exit of the subway and bus stops and lamp posts and every 100 meters. The idea came to my mind after I noticed that people stick gum used for posters with images of people. Therefore, I plan to develop posters with the faces of famous people and write questions on them, such as "How do you feel about the legalization of marijuana in England?", "How do y ou feel about legalizing euthanasia?", "How do you feel about the banning of abortion?" And so on. Of course, people would like to vote in such an interesting way. Then personnel of my team will collect gums from two sectors of each poster: "for" and "against." Therefore, our community will get clean roads without any expenses on cleaning techniques, find out nation's attitude to critical social issues and enable me and my company to promote famous people and produce posters with their names. We can

Business Process Outsourcing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Process Outsourcing - Assignment Example However, this definition of service is redefined by the new world system with the proliferation of business process outsourcing, which allows the separate production and consumption of services. The emergence of business process outsourcing can be best understood by employing a PEST analysis, which looks at the important aspects of the society that includes political, economic, social, and technological. The political sector has created a favorable arena in which business process outsourcing can proliferate. Policies which help promote globalization are instituted facilitating the elimination the geographical boundaries among nations and easing the exchange of products, capital, and services. The economy is evolving into a single global village which allows the free flow of goods and services by the elimination of trade barriers. Labor intensive products and services are channeled to developing economies where labor is relatively cheaper. In terms of social aspects, it is visible that there has been a wide social acceptance of foreign culture which allows the acquisition of foreign language especially English. Technological advancement specifically created a way to easily t ransfer data across geographical boundaries. A European based insurance company which opts to utilise Indian firm for its data processing and call handling gains benefits through: productivity improvements; access to expertise; operational cost control; cost savings; improved accountability; improved human resource; and the opportunity to focus on core business. However, business process outsourcing runs the risk of loosing managerial control, threatens security and confidentiality, and lowers the flexibility of the service consumer to react to the changes and trends in the business environment. Business process outsourcing is considered as a sunshine industry in India. Business process outsourcing generates jobs in the economy, brings in large revenues, and aids in economic development. However, the Indian economy should also recognise the risk associated in allowing foreign firms utilise their labor force. Business process outsourcing is hasardous to workers as they need to cope with the significant time difference in between their location and the location of the service consumer. II. Introduction According to Kotler (2002), service is "any activity which or benefit that one party can offer to another which is essentially intangible and does not result in ownership of anything." In comparison to goods which are produced by manufacturers, service is characterised by four distinct characteristics which are not present in tangible goods: inseparability, which signifies that the provider and the consumer of the service should be in the same location; intangibility, which implies that the service cannot be fully assessed using the senses; variability, which recognises that the quality of the services is not consistent using different customers' perception; and perishability, which implies the inability to store services (Palmer 2004). However, service has been redefined by the current global economy. A closer look at how large business organisations undertake their day-to-day operations reveals that services are now separable. The growing globalisation ushered a new trend called business

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS - Essay Example The attorney may in that case be included in the verification of the agreements. Once the seller signs the contract, he/she is bound by it. Because most of the signed contracts cannot be cancelled, the seller or the purchaser should never sign it unless he/she has shopped around for un-doubtful bargain and had enough time to think over it. When making a real estate sale, all siblings of the seller must have agreed with the specific amount of money that the buyer is willing to give otherwise the seller cannot sign the contract. However, a contract should be entered into to function as a binding agreement that contains clearly written escape clauses that are outlined in its text. Therefore, the buyer and the seller should enter into the transaction in full agreement with the listed terms as well as with provisional clauses that allow either the seller or the buyer to break the contract. Before the transaction has closed, the seller, just like the buyer, holds the right to cancel the co ntract through some procedures (Korngold and Goldstein 56). Dr. Jones should talk to her agent and explain why he wants to get out of the contract. He should discuss the matter with the broker about whether he is not happy with the provisions of the buyer. Although escape clauses are mostly built for the buyer, sellers can as well have their own exit opportunities. An estate sale requires total agreements from the rest of the family members. If the seller’s siblings disagree over the price of the sale, the contract may have provisions that allow for its cancellation. Therefore, if the buyer is not willing to break the contract, Dr. Jones can file a case in the court that the rest of his family members have disagreed with the sale price of the land and call for its cancellation. Dr. Jones does not have any right to cancel the contract after the close of the transaction unless he engages in a discussion with the brokers, which can only allow for the change after agreements with the broker and the purchaser. Question2: After the option, period and the buyer feels like terminating the agreement and get back their deposit or the earnest money, the title company asks the both the seller and the buyer to sign a release form of their earnest money. Both parties must sign the release form that points out to whom the earnest money should go and the specific amounts before the company disburses them (Korngold 97). If the seller or the buyer cancels a valid agreement on a contract without legal justification, the person who makes the cancellation may be liable for some damages by the other person. The buyer will run the risk of losing the deposit that was placed on the estate at the time of signing of the purchase offer. Either of the two parties may be held responsible for the broker’s commission. In the same way, if the buyer decides to terminate the contract after the signing, he /she hold the risk of losing his/her earnest money. Abby can decide to notif y to Dr. Jones that she wants to terminate the contract and the seller can give her earnest money back. However, this is only applicable during the option period, the due inspection and diligence period. It becomes trickier when the option period passes. According to the agreement that had been signed by the three parties, Abby did not provide any condition for the purchase of the estate. Before a signature is laid on the contract agreement, the two

Business Process Outsourcing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Process Outsourcing - Assignment Example However, this definition of service is redefined by the new world system with the proliferation of business process outsourcing, which allows the separate production and consumption of services. The emergence of business process outsourcing can be best understood by employing a PEST analysis, which looks at the important aspects of the society that includes political, economic, social, and technological. The political sector has created a favorable arena in which business process outsourcing can proliferate. Policies which help promote globalization are instituted facilitating the elimination the geographical boundaries among nations and easing the exchange of products, capital, and services. The economy is evolving into a single global village which allows the free flow of goods and services by the elimination of trade barriers. Labor intensive products and services are channeled to developing economies where labor is relatively cheaper. In terms of social aspects, it is visible that there has been a wide social acceptance of foreign culture which allows the acquisition of foreign language especially English. Technological advancement specifically created a way to easily t ransfer data across geographical boundaries. A European based insurance company which opts to utilise Indian firm for its data processing and call handling gains benefits through: productivity improvements; access to expertise; operational cost control; cost savings; improved accountability; improved human resource; and the opportunity to focus on core business. However, business process outsourcing runs the risk of loosing managerial control, threatens security and confidentiality, and lowers the flexibility of the service consumer to react to the changes and trends in the business environment. Business process outsourcing is considered as a sunshine industry in India. Business process outsourcing generates jobs in the economy, brings in large revenues, and aids in economic development. However, the Indian economy should also recognise the risk associated in allowing foreign firms utilise their labor force. Business process outsourcing is hasardous to workers as they need to cope with the significant time difference in between their location and the location of the service consumer. II. Introduction According to Kotler (2002), service is "any activity which or benefit that one party can offer to another which is essentially intangible and does not result in ownership of anything." In comparison to goods which are produced by manufacturers, service is characterised by four distinct characteristics which are not present in tangible goods: inseparability, which signifies that the provider and the consumer of the service should be in the same location; intangibility, which implies that the service cannot be fully assessed using the senses; variability, which recognises that the quality of the services is not consistent using different customers' perception; and perishability, which implies the inability to store services (Palmer 2004). However, service has been redefined by the current global economy. A closer look at how large business organisations undertake their day-to-day operations reveals that services are now separable. The growing globalisation ushered a new trend called business

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Technology Helps in Communication Essay Example for Free

How Technology Helps in Communication Essay If we talk about what are the tools that we can use in developing communication, than I say that â€Å"technology is one of the tools that we can use for communication†. Worlds are globalizing, we cannot depend on only one medium. We are lucky to have science gift that is technology. Communicating involves giving, receiving and making sense of information. Children do this by using non-verbal means of communication, talking, listening, thinking, and understanding. In time, the skills of reading and writing enrich this experience. Communicating is a two-way activity; as well as learning to share their experiences with others children also learn to interpret what others are sharing with them. They communicate in many different ways including facial expressions, gestures, body movements, sounds, language and for some children, through assistive technology. Children’s language is more than words, phrases and sentences. It includes art, Braille, dance, drama, music, poetry, pictures, sculpture, signing, and stories. While most children eventually master spoken and written language as their key means of communicating, they continue to speak through their gestures, body movements and expressions to a greater or lesser extent. Some children with special educational needs may need additional and consistent support throughout their lifetime to practise, learn and perfect the art of non-verbal communication. Language technologies are information technologies that are specialized for dealing with the most complex information medium in our world: human language. Therefore these technologies are also often subsumed under the term Human Language Technology. Human language occurs in spoken and written form. Whereas speech is the oldest and most natural mode of language communication, complex information and most of human knowledge is maintained and transmitted in written texts. Speech and text technologies process or produce language in these two modes of realization. But language also has aspects that are shared between speech and text such as dictionaries, most of grammar and the meaning of sentences. Thus large parts of language technology cannot be subsumed under speech and text technologies. Among those are technologies that link language to knowledge. We do not know how language, knowledge and thought are represented in the human brain. Nevertheless, language technology had to create formal representation systems that link language to concepts and tasks in the real world. This provides the interface to the fast growing area of knowledge technologies. In our communication we mix language with other modes of communication and other information media. We combine speech with gesture and facial expressions. Digital texts are combined with pictures and sounds. Movies may contain language and spoken and written form. Thus speech and text technologies overlap and interact with many other technologies that facilitate processing of multimodal communication and multimedia documents. Although existing LT systems are far from achieving human ability, they have numerous possible applications. The goal is to create software products that have some knowledge of human language. Such products are going to change our lives. They are urgently needed for improving human-machine interaction since the main obstacle in the interaction between human and computer is merely a communication problem. Todays computers do not understand our language but computer languages are difficult to learn and do not correspond to the structure of human thought. Even if the language the machine understands and its domain of discourse are very restricted, the use of human language can increase the acceptance of software and the productivity of its users. Language technologies helps in developing listening and speaking skills Being a good communicator is crucial to children’s development. The adult encourages children to communicate by listening to them, interpreting what they are saying, responding to them, and by modeling good communication. The adult also provides an environment which motivates children to interact with each other and the adult, and with the objects and places in it. By capturing children’s interest and curiosity and challenging them to explore and to share their adventures and discoveries with others, this environment can fuel their thinking, imagination and creativity, thereby enriching communication. These early experiences support children in becoming confident and competent communicators Natural language interfaces enable the user to communicate with the computer in French, English, German, or another human language. Some applications of such interfaces are database queries, information retrieval from texts, so-called expert systems, and robot control. Current advances in the recognition of spoken language improve the usability of many types of natural language systems. Communication with computers using spoken language will have a lasting impact upon the work environment; completely new areas of application for information technology will open up. However, spoken language needs to be combined with other modes of communication such as pointing with mouse or finger. If such multimodal communication is finally embedded in an effective general model of cooperation, we have succeeded in turning the machine into a partner. The ultimate goal of research is the omnipresent access to all kinds of technology and to the global information structure by natural interaction. In an ambitious but not too far-fetched scenario, language technology provides the interface to an ambient intelligence providing assistance at work and in many situations of daily life. Language technologies can also help people communicate with each other. Much older than communication problems between human beings and machines are those between people with different mother tongues. One of the original aims of language technology has always been fully automatic translation between human languages. From bitter experience scientists have realized that they are still far away from achieving the ambitious goal of translating unrestricted texts. Nevertheless, they have been able to create software systems that simplify the work of human translators and clearly improve their productivity. Less than perfect automatic translations can also be of great help to information seekers who have to search through large amounts of texts in foreign languages. The most serious bottleneck for e-commerce is the volume of communication between business and customers or among businesses. Language technology can help to sort, filter and route incoming email. It can also assist the customer relationship agent to look up information and to compose a response. In cases where questions have been answered before, language Technology can find appropriate earlier replies and automatically respond.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Standards of Quality Health Care

Standards of Quality Health Care Patricia Hall Long-term nursing home care has unique elements relative to the type of medical attention that is required and the publics perception of elder care. Modern nursing care facilities must adhere to the six standards of quality health maintenance: Safety: Circumventing injury to patients from the care that is supposed to make them healthier. This invokes the Hippocratic Oath, both old and modern versions (Medical definition of Hippocratic oath, 1996), to cause no harm. Effectiveness: Providing administrations based on logical information to all who could profit and abstaining from giving administrations to those not prone to profit (maintaining a strategic distance from underuse and abuse, individually). Avoid overmedication in elder care scenarios. Patient-centeredness: Providing care that is deferential of and receptive to individual patient inclinations, needs, and values and guaranteeing that patient qualities control every single clinical choice. Make a long-term care facility as close to a residents home life as possible, with the inclusion of personal amenities and family involvement a standard technique. Timeliness: Reducing wait times and sometimes damaging postponements for both those who receive and those who give care. A major complaint from patients is the wait time between being seen by a health care provider, and the red tape required to obtain treatment from specialists. Efficiency: Avoiding waste, including misuse of gear, supplies, thoughts, and vitality. A prime example of a need for teamwork in the organization. Equitability: Providing care that does not differ in quality in view of individual attributes, for example, sex, ethnicity, geographic area, and financial status (The Six Domains of Health Care Quality, 2016). Making sure that no patient experiences uneasiness during a health care visit due to cultural differences. Patient-centered care advances decision, reason and importance in day by day life. Individual-centered care implies that nursing home occupants are bolstered in accomplishing the level of physical, mental and psychosocial prosperity that is independently practicable. This objective respects the significance of keeping the individual at the focal point of the care management and basic leadership process. Care arrangements are living reports that are updated to mirror a persons evolving needs. In person-centered care, staff puts a premium on undivided attention and watching, so staff can adjust to every inhabitants changing needs paying little heed to subjective capacities (National nursing home quality improvement campaign, 2017). The staff treats the patient well regardless of that patients ability to appreciate the fact. A prime model of a patient-focused long-term care organization, the Eden Alternative is a global, non-benefit association committed to creating personal satisfaction for elders and their care assistants, wherever they may live. Through training, counsel, and effort, Eden Alternative offers individual coordinated standards and practices that bolster the novel needs of various living conditions, extending from the nursing home to the neighborhood street (AlternativeÂÂ ®, 2017). Family interaction is strongly encouraged. In a culture that ordinarily sees maturing as a time of decay, the Eden Alternative theory asserts that regardless of how old we are or what challenges we live with, life is about keeping on developing. Expanding on this new worldview, it certifies that care is not a restricted road, yet rather a community association. All guardians and care recipients are portrayed as care partners, each a dynamic member in a critical position of giving and getting. Together, care partner teams try to upgrade prosperity by killing the three diseases of forlornness, weakness, and boredom (AlternativeÂÂ ®, 2017). This mantra reflects my personal beliefs regarding the dynamics of a long-term care facility. If I had it my way, families would not dread placing a loved one in the care of a long-term health facility, but consider it a positive process. References: Alternative, T. E. (2017, January 27). The Eden AlternativeÂÂ ® improving the lives of the elders. Retrieved February 23, 2017, from Medical definition of Hippocratic oath. (1996). Retrieved February 23, 2017, from National nursing home quality improvement campaign. (2017). Retrieved February 23, 2017, from The Six Domains of Health Care Quality. (2016, March ). Retrieved February 23, 2017, from Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cynicism in Works of Ambrose Bierce Essay -- Cynic Author

The style and motives of Ambrose Bierce are those of a great intellect and cynic. Ambrose Bierce used graphic images to get his message across in a lot of his stories such as "Chicamauga" and "The Affair at Coulter's Notch". A good portion of his short stories were stories of innocent people and soldiers and their experiences. He also wrote a book called "The Devil's Dictionary," which reinterprets a few terms in the English language. Ambrose Bierce's cynical perspective, which can be seen within his literary works, actually masks a sensitive idealist, who wants to create an awareness in the readers of the horrors of war as well as the injustices and insensitivities in people and society. To start off, Ambrose Bierce used a lot of graphic images to deglorify war. There were many graphic images in the story ?Chicamauga?, for example, ? - lacked a lower jaw - from the upper teeth to the throat was a great red gap fringed with hanging shreds of flesh and splinters of bone?. ?The unnatural prominence of nose, the absence of chin, the fierce eyes, gave this man the appearance of a great...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

One Small Pill for Womankind: One Big Dose for the U.S. Essay -- Healt

Gregory Goodwin Pincus created the birth control pill stimulating a new tidal wave of women's rights movements. From one small pill, new channels that had been dammed down to a trickle became a mighty flood again. With the ability to prevent pregnancy without risking a dangerous abortion women found the strength to fight against male-dominated areas that were still left untouched from the first series of movements by their predecessors. From how long they stayed in the workforce to the freedom of their sexuality to changing laws and stepping up for their rights, women came alive again with renewed ferocity. Women and the workforce met in few places, for only brief time and very rarely in the general public eye. If seen in the public eye they were with their male counterpart, their husbands or fathers. In the 1960s because it was legal and acceptable within society, companies openly discriminated against women based on their sex. â€Å"In 1961 there were 454 federal civil-service-job categories for college graduates, and more than 200 of them were restricted to male candidates† (Collin 7). Women were not doctors, if they were so inclined even after counseling they were advised and directed to towards taking a position as pediatrician. They were not lawyers and even those that were legally lawyers infrequently practiced because of the extreme lack of hiring firms, instead they would become clerks and secretaries. Their jobs only consisted of labor, only if a farmer's wife or daughter (Collin 6) or when the country was at war and all the men were unavailable and not wanting for the position. â€Å"There was, for all practical purposes, a national consensus that women could not be airplane pilots, firefights, television news anchors, c... ...950s† (17). Women, especially single women, found uncharted freedom of being able to find pleasure in their sexual activity that twenty, even five years ago would have been thought of as absurd and unlikely (MacLean 17). In 1966, the National Organization for Women (NOW) a civil rights group for women formed (MacLean 14) started with just one thousand members but its size grew to an incredible four hundred thousand by 1974 (MacLean 16). NOW originally was mainly focused on equal opportunity for women in the workplace but they also fought for â€Å"maternity leave and child care; equal education; a woman's rights to control her own fertility; and passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)...† MacLean 16). A new generation of activists was born and much like the women before them they began to realize the the abundance of â€Å"'sexism' (a word they coined)'† (MacLean 16).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Research Essay: Elements of Classic Conditioning Essay

In the Little Albert experiment of Conditioned Emotional Reactions, baby Albert was exposed to various stimuli which were paired with a loud banging noise on a bar. A rat was put next to Albert and when he would reach for the rat, they would bang that bar to get baby Albert to display fear by crying. Albert was conditioned to the point that by simply showing him the rat he would cry and want to crawl away. He knew that along with the rat, came the loud clanging noise, therefore he felt that by avoiding the rat, he would also be able to avoid the noise. â€Å"In classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus (US) is one that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response† (Cherry). In this study, the unconditioned stimulus (US) is the noise of the banging bar. The conditioned stimulus (CS) is the rat and the conditioned response (CR) is that of baby Albert crying and crawling away from the rat. The conditioned stimulus is a stimulus that was once neutral, but becomes linked with the unconditioned stimulus, and eventually elicits a certain response (Cherry). Little Albert was also exposed to various other stimuli, like masks, a rabbit, a dog, a fur coat, cotton and wool. In all of these incidences, Little Albert reacted negatively. He was so accustomed to the rat producing the loud bang of the bar, that he started to exhibit generalization when all of these other items were introduced. Generalization occurs when a similar stimulus is introduced yielding the same conditioned response. (Feist & Rosenberg, 2012 p. 310). There was markedly little difference in his reaction to these other stimuli in comparison to the reaction with the rat. In this research study the conditioning did not last over time due to extinction. Little Albert was exposed repeatedly to the identical stimuli and therefore the aversion to the rat and banging bar decreased. The rat no longer yielded the same results it once did. Although he still shied away from it, he no longer exhibited the fearful crying that was once present. The conditioned responses persisted, although with a loss in the severity of the response (Watson & Rayner, 1920). In my opinion, this experiment is highly unethical. First, I have to wonder what the effects of this experiment had on Little Albert later on in his life. The article stated that right up until the day he left the hospital, the experiment continued. There was no evidence of follow up or desensitization with this young infant. The other area of concern for me is that this experiment was conducted with a loud banging noise in propinquity to Little Albert’s ear. Exposure to loud noises especially noises in close proximity to the ear, can cause Noise Induced Hearing Loss (Bredenkamp & Gnaupp). There was no indication that this was even considered. These are only a few of the unethical conditions under which this experiment was conducted. This experiment cannot be conducted today because Little Albert’s well being was not protected, and in my opinion this experiment could have been quite detrimental to his overall health. ? References Bredenkamp, J. K. , & Gnaupp, F. B. (n. d. ). Noise induced hearing loss and its prevention. Retrieved October 18, 2013. from http://www. medicinenet. com/noise_induced_hearing_loss_and_its_prevention/page4. htm Cherry, K. (n. d. ). Conditioned Stimulus – About. com Psychology. Retrieved October 18, 2013, from http://psychology. about. com/od/cindex/g/condstim. htm Cherry, K. (n. d. ). What Is an Unconditioned Stimulus? Retrieved October 18, 2013, from http://psychology. about. com/od/uindex/g/unconditioned. htm Feist, G. J. , & Rosenberg, E. L. (2012). Learning. In Psychology: Perspectives & connections (p. 310). Retrieved from https://digitalbookshelf. southuniversity. edu/#/books/0077736494/pages/66379448 Watson, J. B. , & Rayner, R. (1920). Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal of Experimental Pscyhology, 2, pp. 1-14.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

An Inconvenient Truth Summary 3

An Inconvenient Truth In An Inconvenient Truth, Albert Gore presents us with a thought-provoking oration by employing three persuasive appeals. He utilizes the elements of ethos, logos, and pathos in order to better achieve the goal of notifying the severity of global warming as well as awakening people’s environmental consciousness. An appeal to ethos deals with credibility and what makes the author qualified to speak on a particular subject, Al Gore does this in both selections. The entire film is presented in the context of a lecture hall in a university, which gives the audience a sense of seriousness.Additionally, Gore suggests his persistency and commitment by pointing out his political career as the Vice President, worldwide travel experience and abundant research on environment which as well can substantiate his qualification to be a spokesman on the mainstream issue of global warming. Moreover, Gore calls on expert testimony for a number of times, including that of hi s Harvard professor, who first promoted measuring carbon dioxide in the earth atmosphere which effectively establishes Gore’s credibility.Albert Gore appeals to logos by piling up deliberate evidence to further convince people about the crisis of global warming. Dynamic graphs and charts, one of which indicates the rapid change in temperature associating with the escalation of carbon dioxide, are displayed with movement owning to the multi-media. Also, by using time-lapse photography, striking changes in places, such as Argentina and Grinnel Glacier, are shown in photographs to prove the scientific theory that the earth has been severely affected by global warming.Gore, in addition, mentions other effects of the global warming in an alarming tone, which comprise species lost, natural disasters, and new-found diseases; displayed footages of news about hurricanes, primarily Katrina, pictures of extinct creatures, and discoveries of viruses leading to illness, such as Avian flu, West Nile flu etc. By these methods, Gore effectively makes the audience aware of the significance of preventing global warming from being aggravated. Yet, in this seemingly pure-scientific presentation, Gore targets the audience’s emotions several times in appeal of pathos.By recalling his son’s car accident which nearly took him away from Gore, he not only provokes the listeners’ sentiment of sympathy, but also emphasizes the point that we often fail to value what is precious until we are in danger of losing it. Gore makes a profusion of projections which startle the audience with the effect of alerting them to the crisis. For instance, he employs a concerned tone by predicting the devastating future of mankind when hundreds of millions of people are killed due to global warming. On the other hand, Gore’s sense of humor alleviates the solemn atmosphere.His occasionally self-deprecating jokes (â€Å"I am Al Gore. I used to be the next President of the United States. †) and sarcastic comments ease the listeners’ mood and exert a pull on their attention. What is more, the use of comical cartoons not only gives the audience a laugh but also provides them with a more comprehensible view of global warming. By analyzing Al Gore’s well-organized steps to proving his main idea, we can ascertain that Al Gore has adroitly utilized the three above-discussed appeals, ethos, logos, and pathos when imparting his viewpoints on global warming to people.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Sometimes, you stumble into love

Love usually refers to an emotion that you â€Å"fall† into. It acts as a series of feelings that catches you off balance and can cause a great deal of pain when you come crashing to the end of that exhilarating emotional fall. However, sometimes you can accidentally stumble into love as well. You might not even know what the feeling of love is until you straighten yourself out and look closer at the person who was kind enough to catch hold of you before you hit the painful end. I happened to be one of the lucky ones who stumbled into love, unexpectedly and whole heartedly. My first love was the person who was kind enough to catch me and support me with patience while I straightened myself out and finally realized the word I was looking for to describe my feelings for him: Love. I was fifteen when I started working as a carhop at the local 50’s diner in town. My job included making colossal ice cream treats for our customers and delivering food and drinks out to their cars in the middle of the searing summer heat. It did not take long for a young girl in this atmosphere to become a popular attraction for the local male teens in the area. Especially since the restaurant I was working at was only two blocks away from a large all male high school. With constantly being barraged with their attitudes and immaturity, love or a relationship was the last thing on my mind. Friday nights of football season were the worst, the football players and fans would pack the diner with loud raucous after game activity and lewd comments. It was on one of these chaotic nights in mid-September while I was frantically making orders for my extra carhopping customers that a young man with a powder blue ’66 mustang caught me mid-fall, literally. I had a heavy tray with large sodas and several ice cream shakes carefully arranged on it and ready to be delivered to a customer waiting in their car. As I picked up the tray from the counter and went to walk out the door, my shoe caught a fold in the carpet floor mat, and I began to stumble forward. For a moment everything was a panicked blur, and then I felt myself and my tray miraculously steadied by the weight of another person. I straightened up and looked over my food items, thankful that only a little bit of ice cream had dribbled down the side of the shake glasses. Then I looked up to see who my rescuer happened to be and gazed into the brown eyes of my first love, though I did not yet know it. To my astonishment he was actually the one blushing. I said a quick thank you to him and headed out to my impatient customers. After the busy Friday night crowd began to disperse I headed over to his table and asked him if he wanted anything to eat or drink; it would be my treat for him helping me to save that order of food and possibly some of my pride. He asked if I had time to have a Coke with him before he left, so I took my dinner break and spent the next half hour talking with him. We exchanged email addresses and promised to keep in touch. Soon through email correspondences and local hang outs we became good friends. I soon learned that he, being nineteen years old, had just graduated from high school the previous year. His new plan for a career included enlisting in the U.S. Air Force. Before I knew it he was signed up and deployed for a one year tour of duty in South Korea. Read also  Summary : Love Is Never Silent But even though he was half a world away, we never missed a beat in each other’s lives. Emails or letters, and on rare occasions a short phone call, would keep us connected to the ongoing events in each other’s corner of the world. Neither of us at the time were doing very well, he was suffering culture shock and home sickness, while I struggled under the pressure of school work, career work and parents who were overprotective and had high expectations of their youngest and only daughter. While I labored away in school I began having doubts about how much of my ambition was my own and how much of that ambition was fueled by my parents. I struggled with my chosen college, chosen career field and even whether or not I wanted to attend school right away after high school graduation. My parents wanted me to go to a near by University, I wanted to go to one that was nearly halfway across the country. There were bitter fights in our home and at times it seemed like my only support came from the man stationed so far away. The only confidence I had in myself came from his encouragement at that point. Later, when he came back to the U.S., I promised to visit him after my own high school graduation. At that point it would have been two years since we had seen each other and I wanted to see him again before I got too busy as I rededicated myself to upcoming college school work. However, I had my doubts about seeing him and I could not figure out why. I had become nervous and fidgety about meeting him face to face again after so long, even though we had talked consistently on the phone for months. One night when he pressed me for an exact date and time that I would be able to visit, I told him all about my reasons for hesitating to visit. Amazingly, he laughed and sheepishly admitted he had very similar feelings of his own about the reunion. Then at the end, he blurted out those three profound words, â€Å"I love you.† It took me a minute to process the thought, and another minute to actually appreciate it, and finally the light of realization clicked on and I recognized I loved him as well. After a few moments of awkward silence while I gathered my thoughts I was able to reciprocate those words to him. Sometimes, people stumble into love quite literally. The person who catches and supports you can do such a good job of it that you barely feel yourself falling into love. In the end it is not a painful emotional crash that breaks your heart, but a crash of realization that makes you realize just what your heart was trying to tell you all along. Stumbling or falling, love has a way of catching hold of you when you least expect it. References Carmichael, J. (2006) Re: Love Interview Questions. Online email interview. Retrieved 14 July 2006. Hotmail. Hall, R. L. (2000). The Human Embrace: The Love of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Love: Kierkegaard, Cavell, Nussbaum. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. Retrieved July 16, 2006, from Questia database:

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Leadership in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Leadership in Nursing - Essay Example This paper approves that there are many cities across the globe that is a home for new immigrants and physicians are bound to encounter patients who are unaware of dominant language. This form of language barrier results into health disparity comprising of differential mortality rates. Communication barriers are greatly linked with length of stay in hospital and reduced health status. Physicians and patients not communicating in a common language or social structural features are able to compound a medical situation. The rapid growth of modern clinical practice appears to be a challenge for effective communication. This is mainly because decisions need to be taken quickly and are dependent on history. This essay makes a conclusion that linguistic diversity is highlighted within this report and it is evaluated in relation to doctors working for primary care. The need of language translation is a must for health professionals who are practicing overseas. To be more precise these skills support health professionals to efficiently handle diverse cultural background patients. These professionals even share knowledge and understanding of health expectations and beliefs. However there is a high need for change since interpretation skills at times might not deliver appropriate results. On the other hand, modern techniques have to be incorporated so as to meet common goals or objectives. This study would even analyze effectiveness of organizational change in relation to certain theoretical frameworks.